Indications: Heartache, seizures, bloating of the heart and abdomen, chest pain, abdominal skin pain, coughing and vomiting, wheezing, throat obstruction, inability to produce fluid, epilepsy, madness
【 Indications 】 Tuberculosis, cough, asthma, hemoptysis, chest pain, night sweats, bone steaming and hot flashes, forgetfulness, insomnia, palpitations, nocturnal emissions, erectile dysfunction, abdo
Indicative Symptoms Head pain, occiput, shoulder and back pain, arm failure to lift, stroke hemiplegia, cough reflux,...
Indications: Symptoms of madness, epilepsy, insomnia caused by pathogenic disturbance to the mind, headache, dizziness, and strong neck caused by wind and evil entering the meridians
Location: 1.5 inches below the spinous process of the seventh thoracic vertebra on the back, adjacent to the midline
Indications: Asthma, various hepatitis, cirrhosis, ascites, foot cramps, bilateral pain.
Indications: Shoulder and arm pain, scrofula, frozen shoulder, sequelae of cerebrovascular disease, cervical lymph node tuberculosis, etc.
Indications: Tinnitus, hearing loss, sore throat and other facial diseases; Headache, strong neck pain.
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