Wood acupoints have a wide range of therapeutic uses, including soothing the liver, regulating qi, promoting blood circulation, and removing wind...
Positioning: In the abdomen, 4 inches from the navel
Function: It has a good therapeutic effect on lower limb paralysis, hernia, abdominal distension, and abdominal pain.
Indications: Lumbar and spinal pain, abdominal fullness, edema, difficulty urinating, leg and foot spasms, lower limb spasms, gastrocnemius muscle spasms, etc.
Positioning: Between the little finger and the ring finger metacarpal bone, one inch away from the transverse line of the metacarpal finger is the hand opening point, and the upper five points of one
Indications: 1 Urogenital system diseases: cystitis, urethritis, urinary retention, orchitis, poor urination, swollen vagina. ...
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