Indications: Heartache, palpitations, palpitations, hoarseness, strong tongue, inner wrist and arm pain, elbow and forearm pain, headache, dizziness, facial redness, enuresis, excessive menstruation,
Indications: Headache, dizziness, migraine, red and swollen eyes, tinnitus, deafness, rhinitis, runny nose, facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, toothache, post-stroke sequelae.
Indications: Gynecological vaginitis, ovarian inflammation, vaginal itching, vaginal discharge, infantile paralysis, ankle sprain and other symptoms.
Indications: cough, asthma, hemoptysis, chest pain; Throat swelling and pain; suffer aphonia; Fever without sweating and headache; Hemorrhoids; Symptoms such as elbow and arm spasms.
Indications: Nephritis, orchitis, urinary tract infection, sequelae of poliomyelitis, myelitis, functional uterine bleeding, peritonitis, hemorrhoids, lumbar muscle strain,
3: Lower abdominal area, gynecology, acute abdomen: gynecological inflammation, vaginal discharge, lower abdominal distension and pain, cystitis, frequent urination, urgency, pain during urination, ch
Indications: Lower back and lower limb diseases such as lumbosacral pain, lower limb paralysis, constipation, hemorrhoids, sciatica, vaginal pain, and sequelae of cerebrovascular disease; Diseases of
Indications: The Spleen Shu acupoint is used to treat diseases of the spleen and stomach. Such as vomiting, choking on the diaphragm, stomach pain, chest and rib distension, jaundice and edema, lack o
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