Yongquan point is the first acupoint of the Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian and also the well point of the Kidney Meridian. The kidney originates from the Yongquan acupoint. The Yongquan represents the h
Meridians are the general term for meridians and collaterals, referring to the channels through which Qi and blood circulate throughout the body. It is an important basis for human health, health pres
"Seven percent full" means stopping eating when you feel full and can continue to eat a small amount of food, in order to achieve nutritional balance without overeating. This principle also coincides
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Medical maintenance,Acupuncture and moxibustion,Cupping,Tuina, Qigong,Dietary maintenance
The recipes for health preservation generally include red dates, longans, dangshen soup, ass hide glue and Qizao soup, hawthorn Congee, tremella and red dates Congee, Chinese yam Congee, etc.
Living and health preservation,Emotional health preservation,Dietary health, Exercise and health preservation,Meridian health preservation
Health preservation is the prevention of illness, which is achieved through various methods such as nourishing the mind, adjusting diet, exercising the body, being cautious in sexual activity, and ada
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